
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Born Friend of Jinnat, Allama Lahuti Pur Asarari

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


Large shadows, long breathe and feel breathings


I used to sit idle and take off and when I came I sat down in graveyard. Some shadows were attracted to me. They were large shadows whose breathings I could feel, but there was a single shade in which there were breaths as well as heat coming from him. But there were no flames, but I realized that all those shadows were behind me, growing worse and worse and after about four and a half hours, when I woke up and I stood up, my legs were aching from sitting for so long.

For some time I have been caressing my legs and fingers, I looked from left to right, then I saw jinnat everyone was dressed according to their temperament and nature and their tribe.  He does not have his own clothes and not every jinn can wear his own clothes. The one who is rebellious, the road is broken from his tribe, he wants to wear whatever he wants, but on the day of civilization, if he has his own clothes, he cannot wear them, so he has to wear the clothes of the tribe in which he lives. As each department has its own will and the same tribe has to be followed. When a jinn changes his form, at the same time his status and form may change, because at that time he changed his form. They were all dressed in their own tribe.  I saw one of the tribe. There were only three of them. All three of them were dressed in special clothes.  He was known for his clothes and because of his special clothes let me explain to you a little bit about what that particular dress was, what that characteristic of those jinnat.


Every jinn and tribe has own cloth

There is a tribe of Jinns whose only job is to correct the jinns. They do not take anything from anyone but give everyone everything. At all times, the people of this tribe teach and preach among the jinnat.  The jinn play a true role in the society with arms and the true role of the society because the jinn are often rebellious and the jinn who have deviated from the faith by believing in religion. 


Jinnat tribe whose work to improve others

Very good natured jinnat Then it is their duty. It is the duty of the ancestors from generation to generation that they work hard at every moment to bring this evil jinnat to the right path.  Yes, but they are never far from the spirit. They always carry the spirit with the truth. They were sitting far away. I called them up with respect and other jinnat gave space. They came close to me. I hugged them. Believe me, light and fragrant flowers from their bodies I often deprived of this blessing and I was longing for it.  If you hold one of them close to your chest, you feel relief. They all were older. Their old age spans centuries, not years, each of them spoke as if there was comfort and mercy. I brought them near to me and they were constantly remembering Allah. And when I asked them, "What is the remembrance of Allah?"


Interact with wicked, bandit, thief jinn

They said that we are constantly asking for forgiveness. When we asked why, they said that we often come in contact with government robbers and dirty working giants. When we meet them, we talk to them, sit next to them and pick them up near us. We eat together with them. Their oppression and misfortune enters us. Then we have to constantly ask for forgiveness and do it again and again. And this is useful in a way and these three good jinns revealed that if I do not recite it, then their bad habits and bad mood could come out of their breath and the bad habits that come out of the behavior of the body.  The effect us as well. So we get the idea of ​​these filthy and sinful thoughts or we start to turn away from worship and glorification, remembrance and deeds. We immediately realize that what has happened to us is due to lack of forgiveness.


This is most need for me

Whenever I do any dhikr, these jinnat by nature come to me , I go to the graveyard,  they keep looking for me, then they come near me and sit near me, and when I raise my hand for dua, they join in that dua. They need love and acceptance of prayers. For this, they are always looking for the place where I am sitting in the remembrance of my routine. They reach there while searching. And when they arrive, they join in their remembrance and glorification, or they start reciting what I was doing in my remembrance, and the benefit of this is that they also get enlightenment manifestations. 


And the manifestations that benefit me are for them, and the benefits that benefit me are for me, and some of them are jinns with good and pure passions who have their own manifestations.  I benefit and benefit from Anwar Heels. This benefit and utilization is also my most desperate need of me, i.e. where most of them bring blessings, blessings and prayers, there are some of them who even give it to me.


Unknown jinnat

I asked the three jinnat questions, you are trying to reform the society, have you ever heard of such an event or I has happened it to you?  They may have harm you and you still do well to them, but they continue to harm you. They sighed coldly. They said that not one but many incidents and experiences have come in our life and these events and experiences have not made our life free from these giants nor have we turned away from them but their benevolence and sympathy is growing in our hearts. I went on to ask him how he started to say that in fact he is a giant ignorant, he does not know what spirituality is, what is human humanity and what is the respect and love of someone, they do not know, they just And there is only one thing we know and know that we somehow harm the creatures the most And how can we put them in harm and distress? It is just their passion and they think that this passion lives on in them all the time, because of which their brutality, moral decay, immorality and There would have been constant thought of harm to man and jinn.


Jinn treat of magic through recitation

Even though we talk to them with love and deep heart, but sometimes they don't understand this and they come down to the competition with magic. There magic is powerful, if we didn't  have wall and the signs of the universe around us all the time with the remembrance of Allah and the word of Allah, then their magic would have tear us to pieces. Their magic is so hard but That magic is dirty black and have bad aroma.


Every good deed needs patience

They said, "We are astonished that the evil things have become so firmly entrenched in them. Satanism has penetrated into their veins and blood so much that they themselves are the devil, but the great devil has made us even worse."  But we tolerate them. There are many people whose lives, minds, emotions, feelings, feelings and moods. I was listening to them and I was realizing that in every age there is a desire for good and enthusiasm opens the happiness and blessings comes but every good things always needs patience. If he does, he will always be successful. He will always have happiness in life. If he gives up this courage, then satanic and antichrist temptations will reign everywhere.


Evil jinn locked good jinn in a cave

I was thinking in my heart that one of these good jinns once said that it happened that once jinnat locked us in a cave. He was very powerful and many in number. We 3 and with us our 5 friends were with us as well. The cave was so dangerous that no one could reach it. They put so many big stones in front of them that even big powers could not bring them.  We didn't have the power to remove them. We were worried that suddenly it occurred to us that each of us was praying for individual remembrance and glorifying our affairs.  Attract the power and strength of then we sit together then we sat down together and mentioned the name of Allah in it. On the one hand, the darkness was guarded by the black giants outside, because they were constantly guarding us not to go out, and if we did go out, death would be our destination and inside darkness is our death.  So support of Allah we only had, we all started mentioning the name of Allah. The last recourse was to Allah. When we started chanting the name of Allah with full conscience, in this ecstasy and conscience we felt that small stones were falling from the top of the cave. We were chanting Allah in front of the house.  There were stones, they were looking at them and they were thinking in their imagination, all these stones should be broken into pieces or all these stones should be so small that they would not touch our enemy and they should run away from this fear.

They ran away and asked, "We will not do it. We had their kindness in our hearts as well as our feelings. It was only a short time later that suddenly realized that a stone had been removed and broken into small pieces.  The rocks began to fly out like the shells of cannon. We heard a noise as if they were running away . The second and then the third stone, then there would be a rain of stones.  In the name of Allah, the power and influence of the name of so much faith was increasing and increasing so much that all avenues were opened for us and when we went out remembering Allah, we were surprised that they had all fled. There were no signs of them. There were stones scattered everywhere. It rained like stones from the sky. Big rocks are raining down like small stones. They left our path and the true paths will open for us.  Seeing that I was feeling their anguish, but they were not ready to give up the true spirit and the one who could, but with the true spirit, they also had the true sympathy of the jinnat. 

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